Guyana 2002    Iwokrama  (part 3 of 3)
Iwokrama Part 1 Start Kaieteur Falls

At the village of Fairview, just upriver from the Field Station, the steps in the processing of bitter cassava were demonstrated. First, the cassava is grated (top left), then pressed to extract the toxic juices (above). The end product (lower left) is used to make farine.

photos: DM

Visiting a family at Fairview
photo: DM

photo: DM

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Members of the local Wildlife Club display their banner. They were preparing exhibits for a regional meeting of conservation groups.
photo: JP

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Iwokrama Part 1  index  | start  | emerald tower | iwokrama 1-3 | kaieteur | annai | surama 1-2 | karanambu 1-2 | georgetown Kaieteur Falls