New records of butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) from Tobago, W.I.
iNaturalist, Crambidae, Erebidae, Geometridae, Hesperiidae, Megalopygidae, Nymphalidae, Phiditidae, TineidaeAbstract
The following are new Lepidoptera records from Tobago: Herpetogramma phaeopteralis (Guenée) (Crambidae), Celiptera levina (Stoll), Kakopoda progenies (Guenée), Lascoria purpurascens (Kaye) (Erebidae), Pleuroprucha hypoxia Prout (Geometridae), Carystoides basoches (Latreille) (Hesperiidae), Norape argyrorrhoea Hübner (Megalopygidae) Marimatha botyoides (Guenée), Micrathetis dasarada (Druce), Xanthopastis timais (Cramer) complex (Noctuidae), Hamadryas feronia (Linnaeus) (Nymphalidae), Phiditia ?cuprea (Kaye) (Phiditidae), Phereoeca uterella (Walsingham) (Tineidae). Records of Eulepidotis sp. (Erebidae), Neogalea sunia (Druce) and Tripudia quadrifera Zeller (Noctuidae) are reidentified as E. viridissima (Bar), N. caracara Troubridge, and T. lamina Pogue respectively.