Living World 2024
Our Guest Editorial this year focuses on the latest global coral bleaching event declared earlier this year. Anjani Ganase explains how this event has already had a catastrophic impact on Tobago’s coral reefs, and that the impacts on the ecosystem will be felt by Tobago’s biodiversity, including its humans, for a long time to come. In addition to our guest Editorial, this year’s issue of the journal is brim full of new discoveries and natural history observations, including five Research Papers, twelve Nature Notes and our regular Report of the TTBSDC.
Living World 2023
The Editorial Committee was saddened by the passing of Dr Elisha Tikasingh in August 2023. Elisha was the Editor of Living World between 1997 and 2013 and was well known to our regular contributors. The 2023 Living World is a bumper edition, with six research papers, ten nature notes and the regular Report of the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Status and Distribution Committee (TTBSDC).
Cover Photograph: Our cover photograph shows a colony of Zoanthus sociatus, photographed by Stanton G. Belford at Saline “Salybia” Bay in May 2022. It was found at low tide at less than 0.3 metres depth on a clear day with low turbidity. Belford initially thought that it was Zoanthus pulchellus based on the colour, however mitochondrial COI and 16S revealed it to be Z. sociatus. This demonstrates the value of molecular analyses for species identification. See page 126 for a full account of this study.
Living World 2022
The year 2022 was marked by the lifting of restrictions imposed at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, bringing a resurgence of outdoor activities and observations. While this year’s issue remains fairly slim, we have already begun to see an increase in submissions towards the end of 2022, which should be reflected in a more substantial 2023 issue. The 2022 issue of Living World Journal comprises an Editorial, two Research Papers, two Nature Notes and the regular Report of the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Status and Distribution Committee.
Cover Photograph: Our cover photographs show the caterpillar and adult of Dalcera abrasa Herrich-Schäffer, [1854], family Dalceridae. The photographs were taken by Graham White at Blanchisseuse, Trinidad on 20 November 2021 and 20 June 2022 respectively. The caterpillar (front cover) was feeding on the leaves of the introduced seaside almond Terminalia catappa and the adult (back cover) was attracted to light at night. This the first time this species and genus has been identified from Trinidad based on the adult. However, it is not the first record, as there have been earlier photos of the caterpillar from Brasso Seco and Gran Tacarib by Rainer Deo, but with no food plant associated. The adult was identified by Scott Miller, a Dalceridae specialist at the Smithsonian Institution, and it was only once this adult identification was made that Matthew Cock was able to match the caterpillar photos.
Living World 2021
The 2021 issue of Living World comprises a Guest Editorial, two Research Papers, five Nature Notes and one Report. The Research Papers are dominated by papers on Lepidoptera and strongly supported by observations made by non-specialists.
Cover Photograph: This year’s cover shows a “rufous morph” female Hook-billed Kite photographed by Kevin Foster along Coora Rd, Siparia on 26 July 2020. Adult male birds tend to have the rufous coloring replaced by gray. This species is an extremely uncommon resident in Trinidad and is seen here feeding on its preferred diet of land snails. Its deeply hooked bill is an adaptation for extracting snails from their shells.
Living World 2020
In 2020 our transition of Living World to an online journal with continuous publication was finally accomplished. The issue includes six Research Papers, eight Nature Notes and one Report. The LW team is greatly saddened by the passing of Jo-Anne Sewlal, one of our regular contributors and friend of the TTFNC. A survey of the spiders of Dominica is published here posthumously along with a tribute in her memory.
Cover Photograph: This year’s cover shows a female Acontista multicolor mantid photographed by Rossi Nicholi Dookie in Preysal on 21 November during the 2020 Backyard Bioblitz. This image won a competition held by the organisers of the event and was selected from a range of observations submitted to iNaturalist. See observations/65352155.
Living World 2019
The 2019 issue of Living World includes four Research Papers, an unprecedented 12 Nature Notes, our annual report from the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Status and Distribution Committee and one Book Review.
Cover Photograph
The sea cave on Huevos Island is currently home to approximately 200 Oilbirds. Access to researchers is only possible on a low tide and a calm sea, even then it is a hard and risky swim into the cave. A small shingle beach at the back of the cave allowed a place for the photographer, Mike G. Rutherford, to capture this image whilst conducting an Oilbird Census in September 2019. See Research Paper on page 7. -
Living World 2018
The 2018 issue of Living World was initially published online as separate papers, followed by the overall issue. This issue comprises five Research Papers, five Nature Notes a guest editorial, the TTRBC Report and a book review.
The research papers covered the spiders of the Lesser Antilles, sphingid moths of T&T, chytrid infection in Tobago, bat communities of northeast Tobago and cyanobacteria associated with harvestmen. Nature Notes included two notes on the larvae of saturnid moths, a new record on mussels in Trinidad a note on cannibalism in tadpoles and one on a frog being eaten by a spider. The T&T Bird Status and Distribution Committee report presents 152 records submitted in 2017. This represents the highest number of submissions since the formation of the Committee 23 years ago. The book review was on our own Field Guide to the Amphibians & Reptiles of Trinidad & Tobago.
Cover photograph: This Common Tent-making Bat, Uroderma bilobatum is demonstrating the important role that bats play in dispersing forest fruit, in this case a Ficus fruit. The photo was taken by Merlin Tuttle, and enhanced by Edward Rooks.
Living World 2017
The 2017 Living World contains a Guest Editorial, nine research papers, six nature notes, one report and a book review. This year we are honoured to receive a Guest Editorial from John Agard describing our national responsibility to reduce carbon emissions.
Cover Photograph: Green Turtles were once thought to feed exclusively within areas of turtle grass. We now know that they also feed on algae associated with rocky reefs around both Trinidad and Tobago. This individual, and others, were regularly seen off the coast of Blanchisseusse in northern Trinidad. Photo Graham White.
Living World 2016
This year Living World has reached a major milestone in that we are now published online. This enables Living World to be more widely accessible and, even more importantly, to be searchable online through Google Scholar and similar services. This issue of Living World contains seven research papers, six nature notes, and one report. We cover a wide range of animal taxa including insects, arachnids, molluscs, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Cover Photograph: The ocelot, Leopardus pardalis, is our only documented native species of cat. Rarely seen and typically nocturnal, its status on the island is poorly understood but it is known to exist in forested areas throughout Trinidad. This individual was photographed in Cat's Hill during a camera trapping exercise in 2013.
Living World 2015
On 22 December, 2014 we in the Club lost one of our most influential members, Dr. Victor Quesnel. While we cannot fully express our gratitude to Victor in the Journal, we remember his invaluable contribution in the section Our Notable Naturalists.This 2015 Living World contains six research papers, twelve Nature Notes, one Report, and a Book Review. The research papers this year cover a wide range of taxa.
Cover Photograph: This photo of a female giant fishing spider, Ancylometes bogotensis feeding on the crab Dilocarcinus dentatus was taken at Aripo Savanna by Mike Rutherford. While A. bogotensis is known to feed on fish and amphibians, records of feeding on a crustacean are rare or unknown (See Nature Note on Page 65).
Living World 2014
The 2014 issue of Living World represents a change in Editor and new additions to the editorial team. Dr Elisha Tikasingh has retired after 15 years serving as the Editor as described in the Editorial of the 2013 issue. This, the 2014 issue contains six research papers, eight Nature Notes, the report of the bird records committee, a review of our knowledge, or lack thereof, of Social Insects in the West Indies and two of our Notable Naturalists are highlighted.
Cover Photograph: This Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (Stenella frontalis) was one of a group of dolphins seen off the South East Coast of Trinidad and was photographed by Kerrie T. Naranjit. The Atlantic spotted dolphin is one of 19 species of cetacean known to inhabit the waters around Trinidad and Tobago. See Nature Note on page 51 which reports a sighting of this species among a large school of dolphins off the coast of Charlotteville, Tobago in 2012.
Living World 2013
In this issue, we present a guest editorial, six Research Papers, fourteen Nature Notes and the annual report of the T&T Rare Bird Committee. We also provide an investigation into the lepidoptera collections of a notable collector and document the life work of Hans Boos. Sadly, we mourn the loss of three outstanding naturalists.
Cover Photograph: Resembling a miniature carnival masquerader, the elegant Sarota gyas (Cramer) is a widely distributed butterfly of the Riodinidae family. This individual was photographed along the Inniss Field Road in south Trinidad by Kris Sookdeo.
Living World 2012
The 2012 issue of Living World is dedicated to Dr. Julian S. Kenny, former Professor of Zoology, University of the West Indies and a long-standing and influential supporter of the Journal. In this issue, we publish five Research Papers and a record thirteen Nature Notes spanning a wide range of taxa and life habits.
Cover Photograph: The success of the Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis in Trinidad is well documented. It was first recorded in Trinidad in 1951 and reached Tobago in the early 1960s. It soon became the most abundant heron in Trinidad. Their success was in part due to their association with grazing animals.
Living World 2011
The Living World 2011 includes ten articles describing original research, the regular report of the Trinidad and Tobago Rare Birds Committee (TTRBC), seven Nature Notes and a book review.
Cover Photograph: The snake Erythrolamprus ocellatus (Peters 1868) is endemic to Tobago. This specimen was collected at Runnemede and photographed by Stephen L.S. Smith. See Nature Note on page 36.
Living World 2010
This issue contains a guest editorial, eight Research Papers, a checklist of T&T's orb-weaving spiders, Reports from the T&T Rare Bird Committee and on the monthly oilbird census at Springhill Estate. Five Nature Notes are provided. The passing of Richard ffrench in 2010 was a massive loss to both the TTFNC and the wider natural history local community. We pay tribute here to his years of outstanding work.
Cover Photograph: An adult male dragonfly, Tramea abdominalis, a species in the Canash Pond (background photograph), a small freshwater body of water on the island of Mayreau, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Living World 2009
This issue is comprised of four research papers, seven nature notes, two reports including the annual report of the T&T Rare Bird Bommittee and a biography on Dave Hardy. Four book reviews are also included as well as a tribute to the late Floyd Lucas and Karl Ramjohn.
Cover Photograph: Lithobates palmipes (Spix), previously named Rana palmipes, is rarely seen in Trinidad. This specimen was photographed by Saiyaad Ali at a pond near Austin South Road, west of Chatham, on 28 July, 2007.
Living World 2008
This issue contains ten research papers, the annual report of the T&T Rare Bird Committee, six nature notes, two book reviews as well as a review of rodent species in the Caribbean.
Cover Photograph: The Double-striped Thick-knee, Burhinus bistriatus is a large inland shorebird associated with open country. Unlike most shorebirds they are nocturnal, hence their large eyes. This species occasionally wanders across to Trinidad or Tobago from Venezuela. This one, only the second record for Tobago, was photographed at the Hilton Golf course,Lowlands on 25 February, 2007. (Photo -David Ascanio, Victor Emanuel Nature Tours)
Living World 2007
This issue contains a guest editorial from Club President I. Reginald Potter, eight research papers, five nature notes, the rare bird report, two book reviews and a tribute to Dr. Thomas H. G. Aitken.
Cover Photograph: The testa of the seed of the Chaconia after germination has taken place. A part of a cotyledon can be seen beneath the testa. The testa is highly ornamented with a network of ridges dividing the surface into 4 - 5 sided segments. The exposed surface of each segment is ornamented with reticulate to pitted thickenings. The colour of the testa is golden-brown; the blue tinge seen is caused by the stain used during preparation of the specimen. (EJD)
Living World 2006
The 2006 issue of the Living World contains a guest editorial from Professor John Spence, six research papers, five Nature Notes, two Book Reviews and a tribute to Dr. Charles Dennis Adams.
Cover Photograph: A male sphecid wasp on its nest, new to the fauna of Trinidad and Tobago, the first collection north of the Amazon river
Living World 2005
The 2005 issue features a guest editorial by Dr. J. Kenny, five research papers and three nature notes, the annual rare bird report and three reviews.
Cover Photograph: Opuntia wentiana, a member of the cactus family, is found growing on Chacachacare Island. It has not been recorded elsewhere on Trinidad or Tobago. The plant is spiny, erect 1-2 m and is much branched. Photo by Yasmin S. Baksh-Comeau
Living World 2004
In this issue we have eleven research papers and seven nature notes. We also pay tribute to Professor Peter R. Bacon, Sylvia Kacal and T. Francis “Frankie” Farrell.
Cover Photograph: The bromeliads, which are monocots, include 46 genera and 2110 tropical American species. One species occurs in West tropical Africa. There are a few that are found in the American subtropics. Bromeliads grow as terrestrial xeromorphic pachycauls (having a thick stem) or as stemless epiphytic herbs. The bromeliad most people are familiar with is the pineapple (Ananas comosus) a native of South America. The fruit is a multiple organ, formed by the coalescence of the fruits of a hundred or more individual flowers. The most important pineapple producing area is Hawaii