Plant selection by the leafcutter ant Atta cephalotes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a lowland forest of Trinidad, West Indies


  • Christopher K. Starr Department of Life Sciences, The University of the West Indies, St Augustine
  • Shane T. Ballah Department of Life Sciences, The University of the West Indies, St Augustine
  • Rakesh S. Bhukal School of Veterinary Medicine, UWI, Champs Fleurs, Trinidad & Tobago
  • Natalie Boodram Caribbean Natural Resources Institute, 105 Twelfth Street, Barataria, Trinidad & Tobago
  • Lester Doodnath Institute for Marine Affairs, Chaguaramas, Trinidad & Tobago
  • Dan Jaggernauth Forres Park Rd, Claxton Bay P.O., Trinidad & Tobago
  • Navita Moonan School of Veterinary Medicine, UWI, Champs Fleurs, Trinidad & Tobago
  • Stephen Smith Park Avenue, Queen’s Park E, Belmont, Trinidad & Tobago


In this study, we recorded which plants in a lowland tropical forest showed evidence of attention from leafcutter ants and which did not.





Nature Notes