The Skipper Butterflies (Hesperiidae) of Trinidad. Part 4: Pyrginae (Second Section)
Skipper Butterflies, Hesperiidae, Trinidad, Part 4: PyrginaeAbstract
In earlier parts of this series, the author has dealt with seven of the eight species of Pyrrhopyginae (Cock 1981c but see also Cock 1984a) and the 12 species of Pyrginae belonging to Evans's (1952) genera group B (Cock 1984b). Here, the first 35 species of Evans's genera group C are covered, leaving the remaining 16 or so species (Astraptcs, Calliades, Autochton, Cabares) for a future contribution. The species covered here conveniently include all the tailed skippers from Trinidad, and a key is provided for these at the end of this part.