An Encounter with a Large School of Dolphins off the Coast of Charlotteville, Trinidad and Tobago


  • Amy E. Deacon Centre for Biodiversity, School of Biology, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland, U.K
  • Alësha Naranjit Cetacean Conservation and Research Organization, Valsayn South, Trinidad and Tobago
  • Edward F. Higgins Cetacean Conservation and Research Organization, Valsayn South, Trinidad and Tobago


The waters surrounding Trinidad and Tobago are known to be used by at least 19 species of cetacean, including 14 species of dolphin (Cetacean Conservation and Research Organization [CCARO], online). Very little information is known about the distribution, abundance or habitat use of cetaceans around either island, especially Tobago. Here, we describe the first recorded sighting of Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) off the coast of Tobago, and the largest group containing this species recorded for either island. 





Nature Notes