Eleventh Report of the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Status and Distribution Committee: Records Submitted During 2013


  • Martyn Kenefick 36 Newalloville Ave., San Juan, Trinidad and Tobago


The Trinidad and Tobago Bird Status and Distribution Committee (previously known as the Trinidad and Tobago Rare Birds Committee) was established in 1995 to assess, document, and archive the occurrence of rare or unusual birds in Trinidad and Tobago and thus provide reliable long-term monitoring of our rarer species. The Secretary of the Committee represents Trinidad and Tobago on the South American Classification Committee (SACC) of the American Ornithologists’ Union (AOU).

The Committee has now assessed all records submitted during 2013. In all, 90 records were adjudged, representing 54 different species. One additional species has been added to the Official Checklist of Birds of Trinidad and Tobago, bringing the running total to 473 species at the end of 2013. Of the submissions assessed, in only six cases did the Committee find the identification inconclusive. The records presented below follow the nomenclature and taxonomic order of the AOU’s Classification of the Bird Species of South America, December 2013 (Remsen et al. 2013).




