Living World 2018

The 2018 issue of Living World was initially published online as separate papers, followed by the overall issue. This issue comprises five Research Papers, five Nature Notes a guest editorial, the TTRBC Report and a book review.
The research papers covered the spiders of the Lesser Antilles, sphingid moths of T&T, chytrid infection in Tobago, bat communities of northeast Tobago and cyanobacteria associated with harvestmen. Nature Notes included two notes on the larvae of saturnid moths, a new record on mussels in Trinidad a note on cannibalism in tadpoles and one on a frog being eaten by a spider. The T&T Bird Status and Distribution Committee report presents 152 records submitted in 2017. This represents the highest number of submissions since the formation of the Committee 23 years ago. The book review was on our own Field Guide to the Amphibians & Reptiles of Trinidad & Tobago.
Cover photograph: This Common Tent-making Bat, Uroderma bilobatum is demonstrating the important role that bats play in dispersing forest fruit, in this case a Ficus fruit. The photo was taken by Merlin Tuttle, and enhanced by Edward Rooks.