Native Bee Species Survey and Manual

In 2022, the Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club undertook a year-long project titled “Community Conservation and Management of Native Bee Species in Matura, Trinidad, and Main Ridge, Tobago.” This project received funding from the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme. The primary objective was to conduct surveys of indigenous bee species in two distinct locations within Trinidad and Tobago. This endeavor was initiated by and was aligned with the research objectives of the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network Trinidad and Tobago project (BES-Net TT), which spanned from 2021 to 2023.

Project Fact Sheets:

Fact Sheet #1

Fact Sheet #2

Fact Sheet #3

One of the key project outputs is a manual which provides a standardised methodology which can be followed, so that data can be compared across time and space, building a solid baseline allowing for the replication of the project at other sites, in Trinidad and Tobago.

Download Bee Survey Manual