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Quarter in Review: October-December


Our lecture for the month of October was a fascinating account of the first modern circumnavigation of Trinidad in a kayak. The presenter was our very own Glenn Wilkes, who related the adventure which saw Michael Robertson and himself, journeying around the island in 14 days.

Glenn relates his adventure.

Glenn relates his adventure.

The club trip for October was a visit to Morne Bleu. Heavy rains that morning resulted in a relatively uneventful trip.

The highlight for October was the highly anticipated BioBlitz 2014 Nariva Swamp which saw about 100 participants combing the swamp and finding a total of (approximately) 742 species! The end of day count was 215 vertebrates, 266 invertebrates, 15 diatoms, 15 fungi and 231 plants. See for more details.


Participants at the 2014 Nariva Swamp BioBlitz


A last minute change to our schedule saw members journeying down to Moruga for November’s field trip – our annual geology trip. The destination was the Marac mud/oil volcanoes and the Marac quarry. Despite the rain, members had an excellent time exploring this fascinating area. Members also had the opportunity to stop at the St Vincent Ferrer Society Moruga Museum which celebrated its 1 year anniversary.

The mud/oil volcano at Marac.

The mud/oil volcano at Marac.

The lecture for November was entitled “Human Impacts on Mangrove Wetland Systems in T&T” and was presented by Erin Mangal of Biosphere Consulting Services Ltd. Members learnt about several threats to mangrove systems.

The Art group visited the UWI Zoology Museum during the month for its most recent activity. Members captured the museum’s exhibits via paint, charcoal, photographs or whatever other media they preferred.

Butterflies by Annelise Randall.

Butterflies by Annelise Randall.


December marks the end of the Club’s activities for the year. Our final event was the year end luncheon, held once again at the Caroni Swamp Visitor Centre, which allowed members and non-members a chance to have a great time, unwind, reminisce and plan for the future. Several members also opted for a trip into the swamp afterwards with Madoo’s Bird Sanctuary Tours.

Members enjoy the swamp as a crab looks on.

Members enjoy the swamp as a crab looks on.

Unfortunately, tragedy struck during the month with the news of Victor Quesnel’s passing. Victor was an integral part of the Club and helped to shape the organization over the years. He will be missed.


The 2015 Natural History Calendar and the Living World

We are pleased to announce that the TTFNC 2015 natural history calendar is now available for sale. The calendar’s photographs highlight a variety of flora, fauna and landscape subjects. It will be available at a cost of $20.00 from committee members at convenient locations including Port-of-Spain, Maraval, UWI, St Augustine, Chaguanas and San Fernando.

Also available at the following bookstores (price varies):

Rik Bookstores
Nigel Khan
Ishmael Khan
Paper Based, Normandie
Cleve One Stop Music Shop, opposite City Hall, POS
Travel Plus Services Grand Bazaar
Pop In, Ellerslie Plaza
Metropolitian Book Supplies,Capital Plaza Frederick St POS,
UWI Zoology Museum, St Augustine

The News Stand, Crown Point Airport
Kariwak Village, Crown Point
Horizon’s, Buccoo Road, Buccoo (above Morshead’s)
King David’s Gift Shop, Castara, Tobago

Funds raised from the sale of calendars help to support the club.



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Please note that the 2014 Living World journal has been delayed and is scheduled to be released during the first quarter of 2015 instead.

Quarter in Review – July/September 2014

The 10th of July 2014 marked the 123rd anniversary of the Trinidad & Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club.


As is tradition, the July general meeting was our members’ evening with presentations by:

Art Group-A slideshow of the various activities of the Art Group for the past year was shown.

Kris Sookdeo-Report on his Cat’s Hill camera trap project.

Jalaludin Khan-Presentation on his trip to China.

Viewing of an old natural history documentary-The documentary “The Old Plantation” produced by the Anglia Film Company highlighted the animal life that could be found in an abandoned agricultural estate in the Northern Range of Trinidad.


The July field trip was to Brasso Venado in central Trinidad where members visited the Doppler Radar Station and a waterfall.


Waterfall at Brasso Venado

The June field trip to Tobago also took place in early July with members over-nighting in Charlotteville. Continue reading